
It’s a little presumptuous to suggest that decision makers have digital media blind spots. But, it’s only human. We work with decision makers day and night. So, we understand that they work really hard to stay ahead of the curve. But, every now and then, these blind spots can rear their ugly heads.

@ Image credit: http://www.doitmarketing.com/

Digital marketing has several facets and is ever-evolving. Under pressure to perform, monitor and deliver results constantly, decision makers may overlook a few relevant factors. That’s why it is important to trust your digital marketing partners or in-house experts. Take their counsel seriously.

Are you a CEO, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer or Social Media Manager? Then, read on and keep an eye out for these common digital media blind spots.

Today, every organization wants more attention. They employ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMO (Social Media Optimization). If possible, they use display ads too. But, several decision makers think of competitive brands as competitors. They forget to take into account the growing number of blogs, third party websites, international competitors, etc. Search engines and social media change your conventional “competition”. Is your digital media strategy ready for it? Here is a Google Worldwide Trend of interest over time in “travel insurance”.

@Image credit: http://www.google.co.uk/trends

Here is a Google trend of interest over time in “travel insurance” in the UK market.

It may seem like there is a gradually decreasing interest in the market. But the picture is completely different when you include third party travel websites.

So, don’t turn a blind eye to the current and potential key influencers in your market. Watch out for white papers and industry benchmark studies. Identify social and offline influencers in your industry too. Then, you can create a more holistic digital media strategy.

  • Collaborate with online bloggers.
  • Create content your customers are looking for rather than promotional content. This type of content is worthy news content for most third party websites and blogs.
  • Write guest posts for third party websites.
  • Whether you are a CEO, CMO or a digital marketing manager, key decision makers are not spending sufficient time talking to real customers. Frankly, it is not entirely possible. But, your organization has customers and employees in its sales and customer care departments. There is enough data in the sales and web analytics departments to create actionable insights. Powerful business leaders focus on “customers” and so should you.

    So, integrate the insights from web analytics, sales and customer service into your buyer persona. These data-driven buyer personas have a potential to minimize the risk in your decision-making process. It is not just about using web analytics but making profitable decisions.

    Decision makers have to consider a number of aspects. There is just too much to be done to look at the next big thing on the digital media front. But, this digital media revolution is spinning at an unbelievable rate. Some organizations are offering just the solution you need for your current problem. But, most decision makers are too involved in traditional problem-solving methods to bother. The true sign of a digital marketing success is “Experimentation”. Drive your digital marketing campaign from your vision of results rather than budget and other constraints. You will be surprised to discover how affordable digital media tools can be.

    An impartial third party advisor can always help you see these blind spots, though. That has been our experience, anyway. Contact Us today to help you.

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